10Must have tools for Freelancers to Grow their Business

4 min readJan 15, 2022


Freelancing is a growing business today and fast emerging as a good means for students and corporate workers to earn extra pocket money. But getting gigs or managing clients is not so easy. First you need to get clients, do discovery calls, create proposal docs, send updates, sign contracts, invoices, follow-ups and so much.

It is thus essential to understand the 10 Must have tools that support you to look and talk professional, save your time and money and manage your clients like a Pro:

1. Business Card: The 1st thing you do and present to any client is your Business Card. It has your information on area of expertise, projects done, different profiles created across platforms, client review and ratings.

It also has your contact information and links to portfolio. Many freelancers have multiple profiles created and almost all of them have different formats. Keeto-Catapult offers a Single unique Business QR code linking all your URLs into one and that too free of cost making it easier for the customer to see your work in a single glance.

2. Managing Clients:It takes multiple leads and prospective meetings with clients before you get a gig. This means you have to set meetings with many clients parallel, take notes, schedule meetings, send updates and serve the customers in many ways.

It is not only about doing a one-time project but the long-term relationship that makes the difference.

3. Adding Gigs: Many a times you work on different type of gigs with the same client and each gig may have a different scope.It becomes easier to make a note of these particularly when you are doing multiple gigs with multiple clients.

Keeto- Catapult offers the option of adding gigs against a client easily and makes your life easier.

4. Meeting Scheduler:Once you get prospective leads, you need to schedule multiple voice/video calls, fix meetings and communicate actively with clients before you can close a client. Many clients can become particular about certain hours (like US timing) or a specific time. It is important that you manage and handle these meetings like a Pro. Remember First Impression is the last impression.

While you always have the option to use multiple Video call tools, Keeto offers the option of adding and sending these links through a Meeting Scheduler which helps you save time and energy. You would never miss a meeting!

5. Proposal Creation: All Clients ask for a quote before they decide to finalize a freelancer. Proposals need to be formal and professional and should have information on scope, key deliverables and milestones. More the information, lesser number of points.

Most folks use a word or excel tool to create proposals. That`s fine but Keeto Catapult offers the option of creating in-app professional proposals and send directly via mail, copy or through Whatsapp. Moreover, since the data is stored on a cloud you always can easily access proposal copies.

6. Creating and Managing invoices: Once Proposal is final and discussed with client, next step is deciding milestones and creating and sending invoices. Invoices can be based per hour or on a lumpsum basis. It may include an advance or may be a postpaid billing project. But sending invoices and follow-up is a process in itself.

While Invoice formats are not standard, but it makes professional sense to use a professional tool. Keeto Catapult offers an in-built invoicing tool that auto-fills client and gig information and sends directly to client. Moreover, you can also send alerts to your client to help close the gig faster.

7. Receiving Payments: Getting your hard-earned payments is a task in itself. Many clients need to be followed up multiple times to make payment. Some folks don`t even respond or continue to evade. It is important you also assess client’s previous payment history or ability to pay.

Many freelancers today use digital wallets/UPI handles to receive payment. While this is ok, but care should be taken the payment details are shared. Mostly you would share this over WhatsApp or email. Many folks would not find it professional or find it hard to note down somewhere particularly while it involves repeat payments.

8. Asking for Reviews: Reviews and client testimonials are important to get new projects especially when it comes to close new clients or when you are starting up. Many a times you get a couple of gigs from referrals.

An issue that freelancers face is that each platform has its own review mechanism which can`t be exported. Keeto however offers a review platform where you can ask your clients to rate which can further show up on your unique business QR card. Managing reviews becomes a lot easier getting you more business.

9. Managing Expenses:Periodicallyit is important to measure and make a note of the expenses so that you ensure the right cashflow. It is good to tag your expenses because it is likely highly you will mix up later. Expenses also flow directly into your tax computation and creating your expense sheet at the end of year becomes much easier.

10. Filing taxes :Well all the hard work has been done and that time of the year will come when you need to file taxes. Filing taxes requires to compile all your gig related expenses and revenue to compute your taxes. You can file it yourself or use services of a CA.

Keeto offers tax filing through partnership with Cleartax that allows you to access quality CAs with exclusive discount offers.

Now you know all the must have tools to manage your Freelance gigs and become a Pro. So get on the bandwagon and join the Freelance Revolution!




Freelancers are pros with freelance. Create new and manage existing clients, gigs, and invoices all in one app. No matter where you are in the world or working,